Hey, I’ve been away for a while so I need to catch up. I had to nurse Sweet Pea back to health and then I got the flu. It was a doozy too; lasted nearly two weeks. But I’m getting back into the swing of things and here is a summary of some things on my mind.
Tom Delay:
One of Bush’s buddies that has worked so diligently to take away our rights through fear tactics, namely the Patriot Act, much like McCarthy did in the 50’s. Now he faces the system he’s helped to destroy and I guess we all know now what he thinks of habeas corpus and presumption of innocence; it seems he wants things to return to the “old” ways.
A habeas corpus petition is a petition filed with a court by a person who objects to his own or another's detention or imprisonment. The petition must show that the court ordering the detention or imprisonment made a legal or factual error.
Presumption: a criminal defendant is presumed to be innocent until the prosecuting attorney proves beyond a reasonable doubt that she is guilty.
Hurricane Wilma:
Planning at the state level; how can they issue mandatory evacuations and not make provisions to supply gas. It never fails that the first thing that happens is a gas shortage so one couldn’t evacuate very far if they wanted to.
Also, when the news reporters are criticizing and chastising people for not evacuating it is never brought to light that one must evacuate days before a storm, wait an undetermined amount of time until the storm passes, and then return to get life back on track. How long can any of us in America just stop normal life and camp out? Time is money. Money spent, money lost. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and think about how you might make out.
Be kind, be courteous and have fun.