In Bubbie’s view, if we only pick the low hanging fruit we get something that is easy, and maybe for a short time sweet. But it’s assured ripeness will too soon begin to rot and make us sick. It’s tangy, sour aroma will fill our nostrils and steal our breath and our bellies will boil with acid. Have no doubt that when the serpent tempted Eve she reached for the lowest hanging fruit on the tree. But if she had climbed the tree to the top, scaling it’s rough bark and squirming through it’s twisted branches in a quest to find the reddest apple on the tree, it would have taken time and effort and she would have weighed the value of that expense against the worthiness of her goal. It would have afforded her the time to think things through. She would have come to realize that the entire endeavor was not worth it. In coming to her senses, she would have felt the call of love in her spirit for Adam and remembered that he deserved her respect. It would have all made perfect sense and she would have climbed back down and rightfully turned down the serpents suggestion.
Don’t grab for the low hanging fruit just because you can. The consequences will not only make you ill but it will poison all those associated with you; they don’t deserve that. Instead, make the extra effort and act out of love and respect.