Monday, October 10, 2016

Take Up Your Cross

Uncle Bubba was driving on the busy interstate when he came up on an old camper trailer in the slow lane. He slowed and looked for the traffic to do the same behind him, all the while surmising that the white vintage canned ham was rattling along as fast as the owners dare tow it. As he closed in on it he noticed a hand painted sign affixed to it's rear bumper.

Uncle Bubba followed it for a short while before waiting for a safe opening in the traffic to pull around and pass. He pulled along side the pickup truck that was towing the camper and he glanced over at the driver. She was a white haired woman. It was cropped short and there was a senior gentleman sitting in the passenger's seat wearing a cowboy hat. They looked to be the type of people that you'd like to spend an hour or two with, just to hear their stories.

But it was the sign that struck Bubbie. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" While he had been traveling along with his trusted friend and beloved dog Frankie by his side, he had been mulling over some old relationships and lamenting the twists and turns of worldly ways. How sad that so many choose to seek after themselves and live to their own justification, ignoring the urging of their soul. As Bubbie glanced in his rearview mirror and watched the little caravan get smaller as he pulled away he was thankful that he chose to stick with his soul and thankful for the folks that cared enough to attach the sign to their camper. He reached over and patted Frankie on the head. In Bubbie's view we can justify all of our behavior but our ideas are just that... ours; all the more reason to base our behavior on God's word and save our souls.