Thursday, November 10, 2016

Election Hangover

Now that election day is getting smaller in the rear-view mirror, Uncle Bubba is beginning to digest the results. As we sat at his kitchen table and shared in a couple cups of hot coffee he shared with me that he finds it interesting how angry people are whose candidate didn't win. Ironic as it is, they are quick to use name calling, finger pointing, and derogatory language to express their disappointment. He said that he has one question for these patriots; did they participate in any campaign; i.e, knocking on doors, phone calls, town hall meetings, conventions, contributing to advertising, putting up signs, etc? If so, they have a right to be disappointed and we should respectfully grant them the grace to recover from their election hangover. If not, they should accept the majority vote of our society and be a good and faithful citizen. In Bubbie's view, don't be the thing you're accusing all others of being.

Peace out!