Uncle Bubba and Sweet Pea took a little trip for a fun weekend get away. They finished work on Friday and packed a few things, Uncle Bubba carried the bags out to the car, opened the door for Sweet Pea and she hopped into the car, turned up the radio and they drove off down the open road. They had hotel reservations so they were in no hurry, just enjoying the company of one another, the scenery and the ride. Through the course of the ride Uncle Bubba noticed that most people on the road drive with the intention of getting ahead. Ahead of what? Whatever is in front of them. Have you noticed it; no one can just ride along, they have to be applying pressure whether tailgating waiting for the first opportunity to get around the person in front of them or cruising past in the left lane of a four lane to beat everyone to the exit. What ever happened to common courtesy?
Now Bubbie and Sweat Pea had a wonderful weekend of relaxation, good food and a little dancing; but what could have made it better? Common courtesy. From the rude drivers to the discourteous desk jockey at the hotel, a waitress that was obviously having a breakdown and was unconcerned with serving anyone--consumed with her personal crisis--and just generally boorish others. Uncle Bubba is amazed at how seldom a person will hold a door for another, use manners in public like “please” and “thank you”, and the prevalent use of cursing vulgar language in the company of women, senior citizens and children.
Is this the course of a modern society or a reversion to a more uncivilized culture? I’ll tell ya what Bubbie told me; there was a time when he got a smack on the back of the head if he forgot his manners; a mouthful of soap for an ill timed expletive. He remembers a little old lady chastising him in public for not holding the door for her. He remembers learning how to drive and being lectured about keeping a safe distance around other drivers, being defensive and courteous to avoid accidents. He remembers his chest bursting with pride when he impressed his first girlfriend on their first date for his skills as a gentleman. Ah yea, that’s it, the contentment of self respect.
If a person hasn’t any self respect, how can they respect anyone else? Could this be the core of rude behavior? Are we living in an impolite society as a result of 25 or 30 years of children being raised in homes with two working parents, broken homes, step families, and deadbeat dads? Not taking anything away from some wonderful single mothers, but if no one is around to express positive reinforcement of values and instill a child’s sense of value, how do they learn self respect? Now these unskilled adults, acting more like grown children are raising their own children.
So Uncle Bubba and Sweet Pea made it back home with some wonderful memories because they chose to focus on each other and forget about the less pleasurable moments, and happily look forward to their next journey. Uncle Bubba opened the door for Sweet Pea, carried in the bags and thanked her for the good time.