Thursday, March 09, 2006

Utopia's slipping away

Uncle Bubba takes a deep breath of fresh air and closes his eyes. He rests his head against the back of his Adirondack chair. He listens to the rustling of leaves as the breeze gently flips them on the trees, and the song birds chirping across the way. A mullet jumps and turns its belly to the sun before splashing back into the green river and Bubbie smiles considering just how lucky he is to live in this time and place. It seems to be a vanishing utopia in the South because of the greed of our government leadership.

Parted face down on Bubbie’s knee is a book, Two Trees in the Garden by Rick Joyner that has got him considering the state of our country, society and the earth. It seems that the political climate today is to minister fear on a disingenuous moral and religious theme to win votes, and that comes from the top down, as most mud flows in a hierarchical system. Yep, right down to our local elected officials that allow every square inch of property to be developed including the swamplands with no regard for the limited available resources to supply an adequate and acceptable infrastructure. “Just keep those tax bases growing and we’ll deal with it the best we can,” seems to be the mantra to keep the new and ever expanding constituents happy.

There are two types of leaders; those who use people for their own interests and those who sacrifice themselves for the interests of the people. Aren’t the former the reason we distrust our politicians? Are you tired of politicians stroking us with their pseudo theology? We hate to think about it, but we all know that if it comes down to us or them they will sell us out. People who follow God with their hearts are people that are called to be he servants of all men, but men are not to be our masters. We must be willing to give our lives for men but not to be controlled or influenced by them.

The greatest opposition to the success and security of this country is not the evil terrorists but the phony Christian, morally righteous leaders. The uttermost threat to the truth will always come from those who live unmitigated in their minds but not in their hearts. In the supreme example of this phenomenon; recall that it was not the demon processed terrorists that persecuted Jesus, they believed him, bowed a knee and submitted to him; the religious, moral, and conservative citizens were the people who crucified Jesus.

Regardless of the choices our elected officials make that we will all live by, the breeze will blow and flip the leaves, the song birds will chirp from across the way, and the sun will warm your face on a lazy afternoon. But will it feel the same in your heart?

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