Friday, April 07, 2006

Where the heck is the cavalry?

In the great debate over immigration, it’s interesting that one doesn’t hear anything from the immigration department. Why is that? I looked them up online and found that they are a sub agency of the Department of Homeland Security. They are now called the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ICE. OK, let’s not lump them into the same inept messy chaos of FEMA and the rest of DHS, let’s look at them objectively.

This is Julie L. Myers, the top dog of ICE--maybe that’s a poor choice of words—she is the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Prior to her appointment by President Bush on Jan. 4, 2006, Ms. Myers served as Special Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel. OK, stop laughing. Before that, she was nominated by President Bush and unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate to serve as Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement at the Department of Commerce. Yes, that’s right; she supervised an agency that ensures the legal export of products; not IMPORT but EXPORT. I didn’t know that this was a problem. And this makes her qualified to guard our boarders from the intrusion of illegal immigrants, criminals and terrorists. Don’t get me wrong, she may be (just look at that steely glare) and she may be a nice person; but this administration just seems to have a bad track record when it comes to appointing supervisors in DHS.

So that takes me back to my original thought, where the heck is ICE on this issue. Well, actions speak louder than words; I was speaking to a person who is employed at a county Sheriff’s office yesterday and they told me that if they stop an illegal immigrant for a traffic stop, they give them a citation like anyone else and let them go. I did not know that! I thought they took them to jail and held them until ICE shows up and carts them back across the boarder! The same person told me that if I knew I had illegals living in a house next door and called ICE to come get them that they wouldn’t show up. I asked why and they said because they don’t care (meaning ICE). Well, I don’t know if that’s true, but it’s not a stretch to believe. It just seems that there is enormous variable missing from the debate equation. Let’s ask the people that do the work how the job should be done.


Anonymous said...

Calvary is in the Middle East, where Jesus was crucified. I think you mean cavalry:

n. pl. cav·al·ries

1. A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport, such as light armor and helicopters.
2. Troops trained to fight on horseback


Anonymous said...

Calvary is in the Middle East, where Jesus was crucified. I think you mean cavalry:

n. pl. cav·al·ries

1. A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport, such as light armor and helicopters.
2. Troops trained to fight on horseback


Anonymous said...

double post!