Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Thoughtful Thinker

I would like to send you a smile today. Do you consider yourself to be a thoughtful person? If you were to search a few dictionaries to get a good definition of thoughtfulness, you may be surprised to find that there is more than one definition, however they all revolve around and agree with two points in particular. One being, “exhibiting or characterized by careful thought.” and the other “considerate of the feelings or well-being of others”. The first being a generalized statement and the other being related to the first but is a more focused description that I think we all relate to when we use the term “thoughtful”.

Being considerate of the feelings or well-being of others is not the entire story. In my opinion, true thoughtfulness is to be considerate of the feelings and well-being of others at the risk of inconveniencing ourselves. Let’s face it, we all think we are thoughtful but as soon as someone else’s feelings infringe on our own ideas and contentment it’s over. In Bubbie's view, when we can count the number of times we’ve held our tongue or walked away from a fight or given someone a hand or helped a friend does not make us a very thoughtful person. It should be so ingrained in our lives that we couldn’t begin to count and no one should even notice. Often our most thoughtful act is taking very good care of ourselves so that others don't have to be burdened with our shortcomings.

I would never want anyone, from a loved one to a friendly stranger, to ever feel that I wasn’t taking them into careful thought 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but I know it happens. This is because even though I try hard to always be thoughtful, I am human and often have my own agenda as to what I think is best for someone else. Also, each of us has our own perception of what we think others are thinking of us. But in the end, I pledge daily to lend quite support and consideration to every person in my life. My daily goal is give my best effort to be considerate of the feelings and well-being of others at the risk of inconveniencing myself. Won’t you join me? *smile*

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ah, Sore Ecstasy

Bubbie woke today with one thing on his mind; going for a ride. After downing a couple cups of hot black coffee he gears up for a cool morning ride. Unfortunately he has to swing by the chiropractor first to get a couple dislocated ribs popped back into joint before rumbling through the country side. (The sore ribs were left over from last weeks incident that involved a couple of beers, a couple of good ‘ol boys and an unfortunate remark about someone’s mother; but that’s a whole ‘nother story. )

After throwing on his leather jacket he pulls his gloves snuggly over his fingers. He saddles his trusty steed and with a healthy choke, fires the rumbling beast to life. She sounds high strung, starved for gas; Bubbie makes her wait until he eases in the choke. The whining whir slows to a throaty rumble and then kicks her into gear and they are gone.

Later, rolling out of the bone-cracker’s parking lot, he throttles it up to hit the back country roads. Before long he is rolling up the highway to destination unknown. The speed limit is 65 and that’s fast enough on this cool winter morning. His knees hug the gas tank to siphon some warmth from the roaring V-twin. It’s not long before traffic and civilization become sparse and he can relax his mind to take in the beauty of his surroundings. After heading north for a while he glides his machine off of a ramp to an intersection. This is where it all happens. Since he had never turned right at this location, he decides today is as good a day as any. It was the right decision. He’s found a long smooth road through the tightly knit pines of the Goethe Forest. Mile after mile he rides, the road lined with swampy marsh and tall green slash pines boxing him in like a mouse in a maze. He eventually rocketed out the other end of the forest and straight into wide open pasture land. The stark tan winter colors majestically frame the dusky green oaks that spot the landscape. Round and bulbous, they are stoically waiting warmer days, conserving energy yet anticipating a spring where they can turn up the volume of there shiny green leaves.

Bubbie rounds another bend and it looks like another town is coming soon. The signs hint of a waterfront area and it’s not long before he notices a very large lake on the left hand side of the road. He believes it might be Lake Rousseau and there is just enough of a breeze to give its surface a pretty good chop. The tangy fresh scent of the dark lake water hits him and he smiles at a wealth of memories and a primitive stirring in his soul to the primordial beginnings of life.

As the lake drifts off behind his left shoulder, his sore back muscles stiffen from his morning adjustment, which also makes him smile. Good times and good friends. But with that he knows it’s time to turn for home. He rolls back into the throttle and shifts up through the gears. Sweet Pea will be waiting to share a hot meal and a few laughs as the sunny afternoon unfolds. It’s good to be Bubbie.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag

Bubbie has recognized that this is a monumental week with the resolve of some war issues. No, not Britain announcing their withdrawal from Iraq but the burial of James Brown and the disputed internment location of Anna Nicole Smith.

Now that the children of the Godfather of Soul and his former partner have decided on where the soul singer should be buried, nearly two months after he died. Hey, surprise! Their agreement is part of a legal battle over control of the estate and assets of the singer. It is complicated by a dispute over whether his former partner, Tomi Rae Hynie Brown, was legally married to him.

Anna Nicole’s strange friends and estranged mother have been locked in a televised trial to determine who gets custody of her remains. Bubbie wonders if this is racism. Is this what our African American brothers and sisters are always so angry about? ‘Cause she is white, her grotesque Jerry Springer type trial gets total TV coverage while Mr. Dynamite’s bottom feeding family didn’t get no press time! What’s Bubbie know; he’s of the Caucasian persuasion and freely admits to being too ignorant to understand these complex issues. But he thinks it has more to do with Anna Nicole’s scandalous past and enormous breast size than her race. The Godfather had his own scandalous past, and he was young and sexy; but his time had passed. Anna Nicole was still attractive enough to be able to command attention in life, and for better or worse the mother of a 5 month old baby. It seems to Bubbie that these elements along with her nefariously outrageous behavior were the driving force behind the dirt on TV. Anyone can only hope the she is now at peace. God bless her.

Rest in Peace James Joseph Brown – The Hardest Working Man in Show Business

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Licensed to Disturb

Traveling along packed highways and byways of the south in the winter months, you’ll invariably notice the plethora of diverse license plates. Though they are viewed as a random assortment of colorful representations of individual states, there are certain likenesses that the drivers all have in common. Our northern visitors invariably drive slowly in the left lane. My theory is that they intend to turn left at some point, which might be 30 miles away, but they are in that lane to insure they correct position when they reach their cornering destination. These same slower paced individuals also tend to speed up and slow down in a random surging motion (obviously unable to operate the often complicated cruise control button), none more noticeable as when passing a Reduce Speed Ahead sign and having to speed up to reach the minimum speed. (Apparently the reading of traffic signs is not practiced much in the north.)

Notwithstanding, our southern neighbors obviously suffer from NASACAR fever and seem to be unable to operate a vehicle without speeding, drafting, and committing overly invasive and evasive actions while passing. With all of this in mind Bubbie has some alternative suggestions for a few of the license plate logos so proudly displayed.

Alabama – Stars Fell On
• Foot Fell On Accelerator
Connecticut – Constitution State
• Cut U Off
Delaware - The First State
• Left Lane Forever
Georgia –Peach State
• Let’s Kill Sumpin’
Illinois – Land of Lincoln
• Drive Like Lincoln
Indiana – Hoosier State
• Pull Out - Drive Slow
Maine – Pine Tree State
• We Just Drive Slow
Massachusetts – Old Colony State
• Old Arrogant Apathetic
Michigan – Great Lakes State
• Missed Shift Again
New Hampshire – Live Free or Die
• Live Free in Florida Past Our Expiration Date
New Jersey – Garden State
• Watchu Lookin’ At
New York – Empire State
• Confused Urban Rednecks
Ohio – Buckeye State
• Brake, Gas, Brake
Pennsylvania – Keystone State
• You Think They’re Slow
Tennessee – Volunteer State
• Suicidal
Texas – The Lone Star State
• Laws Don’t Apply
Virginia – Old Dominion State
• Old Dominion 500
Vermont – Green Mountain State
• We Just Suck

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Bubbie and the Duke agree; addin’ Toyotas ruins the Great American Race. The good ol' boys have gone soft; how 'bout we act like men that our granddaddies would be proud of and stop letting big money dictate what we get. Start the gal darn race at 1:00 pm, and stop with the Superbowl type hype and hoopla. It ain’t a concert, it’s a race! And the Chevy commercial with the hippity-hop version of Sweet Home Alabama is sacra-relig. You’re puttin’ our whole dang southern culture on the skids. Speaking of which, a gentleman doesn't cheat. This includes listening into your opposition's radio transmissions to hear their strategy. That's cheating!
Oh yeah, and congrats to Kevin Harvick on the win.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Duke

Bubbie has some good friends and one of them good ol’ boys is a cattle rancher called the Duke. Now he ain’t no Ben Cartwright type, but more of a Thomas Dunson who was the self made rancher in the Red River story by Borden Chase. He could very much be like Wyatt Earp, the marshal lawman who at times could be on either side of the law depending on his circumstances; but when it comes to cowboyin’ there’s none better. The Duke rides high in the saddle and like a charismatic general, he takes command of his band of cowboys and sage green pasture of bovine like Sam Houston riding into battle; sure, strong, and morally upright.

Out of the saddle is a much less austere man. He is warm and genuine. Quick to offer a pleasantry and takes time and interest in each individual he speaks with. This dichotomy of the Dukes personality is what Bubbie admires in the man. The Duke is not a man of vagary or capriciousness; he knows what he likes and he sticks to what he knows. He may not understand the purpose or agenda of a liberal society, but he won’t say much in public to refute it. In turn he’ll drink a beer with Bubbie and they share a love of music and riding their Harleys. Here’s to the Duke.

This is Your Brain on TV

Hey y’all, remember that commercial on TV when the guy held up an egg and said, “This is your brain.” Then he cracked it and dropped it into a sizzlin’ hot skillet and said, “This is your brain on drugs.” If you do, then I bet you’d agree that it had some impact on your life. What a contrast to the commercials we are bombarded with today: Roserum, Boniva, Claritin, Allegra, Ambien, Enbrel, Celebrex. Did you ever think you’d know so much about drugs? And yeah, these are just as bad for you as the illegal ones; just listen to the side effects. I’d rather live with the symptoms I have, thank you very much. And why am I telling my doctor that I have liver disease, kidney and heart ailments? Should he be the one telling me that?!

Let’s think about that for a minute; would the pharmaceutical industry have to push these on us if they were really all that great? Why do they work so hard at convincing us that “Mother’s little helper” is a cure-all? Uh, probably cause it’s not? You need it cause they need to make money. Wait, are we talking about the illegal drug pushers or the pharmaceutical companies?

The other danger that I am most concerned with, and what takes us back to the old “this is your brain on drugs commercial”, is the power of suggestion. Replaying an image over and over while repeating the way you will feel is a way to brainwash someone into believing the implied truth. Whether you pay attention to the commercials or tune them out, they are still repeating their mantra over and over in the background. Advertisers know that this subliminal bombardment eventually gets into your mind and takes root. I’ll give you an example; I often put one of the 24 hour news channels like MSNBC on while I work and I noticed one day that in the course of about an hour they aired a commercial for some drug for men. It starts by saying that many men over the age of 50 have prostrate problems. I bet I heard that at least 10 to 12 times in that hour and I started to wonder about my prostate. Then I thought, “Hey! Wait a minute! I take very good care of myself and I’m not gong to start believing that I will have these problems!” I realized that I was in a mental battle to not by into the suggestion. If I had not consciously fought it, I might be convinced that by the time I am 50, I will have prostrate problems. The truth is I could live to be 100 and never have a prostrate problem. So the drugs can get into your mind through your eyes and ears via the TV. Don’t let the bastards win. Make the conscious choice to be healthy and find preventative methods to manage your health choices; before you need drugs to remedy them.

Let's Go Racin' Boys!

Bubbie’s sink into his lazy boy and reaches down with his right hand and fumbles for the shifting lever. Feeling the familiar wooden handle he rears back, gives ‘er a rip and launches himself into race watchin’ position. It’s the Busch race at Daytona; the first of the season and the day before the big one. From Bubbie’s view he’s noticed a few poignant observations that maybe y’all can help clarify.

Mark Martin: didn’t he retire? I thought he had his final farewell tour?
Dale Earnhardt Jr: Why is he the most popular driver when he drives around in the middle of the pack in 18th to 21st place?
I heard them announcers talkin’ about Fords, Chevys, Dodges, and even Toyotas, but I didn’t see a one; I saw about 40 NASCARs. Aside from different paint schemes, they’re all the same car. Hell, they could be showin' us a replay of a race from 3 or 4 years ago and we might now even notice.

Hey, you know what would be cool? If we did get some of those manufactures vehicles and let some good mechanics fine tune them and then race them around those NASCAR tracks. We could call it Stockcar Racin’ and them blue-collar guys that had the mechanically best car and a great driver that day could race hard, compete and win some fans. Now that would be some kinda fun!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Recovering Racist

I stopped by Bubbie’s whom had gone out the night before to a comedy club. He proceeded to tell me about the evening of frivolity until a comic came on that was, well, I guess you would say of black African ancestry. Bubbie described how he referred to all the men in the audience as niggas and the women, bitches. I didn’t take long for a disgusted Bubbie and Sweet Pea to walk out, though many if not most of the people there were guffawing and rocking in their seats elbowing each other in the slats with laughter.

Later, at an all night diner, Bubbie recognized a couple of young men that he had seen at the comedy club and they were laughing at the jokes they had heard, and generally having a good time. This wouldn’t have been unusual except that they were black and a lot of what they were saying was “whitey” this and “cracker” that. Now Bubbie admits to being as racist, or not as racist, as the next guy. He holds no ill will towards any group of people and truly tries to not be offensive, as much as any good person, but he admits to sometimes making an off colored remark in a fit of frustration. The thing that bothers him so is that if a non-black person uses the word nigger, they might better be strung up by their private parts than face the deluge of criticism and condemnation that accompanies it. But this is a free country and the first amendment to the United States Constitution applies to all citizens. Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. Well, a reasonable person knows that using offensive language carries with it a consequence that one must chose to bear if one chooses to use it. But don’t tell Bubbie that one of black African ancestry can say some form of nigger, and he can’t. It’s un-American.

As Bubbie says, we’re all racists. If we’re good people we try not to be; but lighten up and get over yourself. Bubbie wasn’t all that offended by the young men’s remarks in the diner because he is wise enough to know we are all different and to each their own. His choice was to ignore it and enjoy the company of his Sweet Pea. After all, in the morning the news was going to report on more troops killed in Iraq and that’s something to get upset about.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Sun

Uncle Bubba takes a few minutes to dust the leaves out of the hammock in the backyard and he lies down for a few minutes of quality time. It’s a beautiful cool day, yet the sun is shining brightly in the azure blue sky. With eyes closed against the brilliant sun he takes a deep breath in through his nostrils and his mind drifts back, back to when he was a young boy living in New England. The chirping robins and the whir of the small plane drifting by overhead recall a time when he thought everyday was an eternal gift from heaven. As his skin begins to tingle from the suns intensity, his mind tries to comprehend just how hot the sun really is; it is so far away and yet it can burn our skin.

Do you remember a day when you were young and took a few minutes away from playing to soak in your surroundings? Just a few minutes where you felt the air on your skin and breathed deep the scents drifting on the breeze? I bet if you quietly close your eyes right now, you can go back there and relive that moment. Doesn’t it feel so good? That is your life everyday; you just have to stop and recognize it.