Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Maserati Fella

Uncle Bubba was sittin’ in the ol’ Ford at a traffic light and that guy that owns the Maserati pulled up next to him. You know the fella; he’s always looked quite a bit older for his age ‘cause his hairline receding the way it has; except for a few of them hairs making one last stand on top, the rest have retreated to form a new defensive line around the backside. His pocked complexion is ruddy and rosacie piebald. He wears them flowery Tommy Bahamy shirts over his bulbous belly and a funky lanyard on his sunglasses. You know the guy; he wears all the gold I-talian jewelry: necklaces and bracelets and such. Yeah, that feller; I’m happy for him havin’ that car ‘cause he ain’t got much else goin’ for him.

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