Tuesday, December 16, 2008

They will know we are Christians by…

When Peter Schools wrote the song, “They will know we are Christians by our love” based on John 13:35, I don’t think he meant our love of rude behavior. But y’all see it everywhere…right? Why just driving home from work two minivans cut me off with no turn signal. I was tailgated by an untold number of Christians. I know ‘cause they all had some sorta Jesus bumper stickers, or fish symbols on their vehicles. Yep, bump draftin’ for Jesus! I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few items for Sweet Pea and a couple of them Christians nearly run me over in the parking lot ‘cause I guess driving Christians have the right-a-way of walking Christians. No, in Bubbie’s view I think were are supposed to be loving each other not just ourselves.

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