Saturday, February 28, 2009

These Are The Dark Ages

One cannot turn on a TV, radio, or read anything that doesn’t expound the gloom and doom that our country faces; frankly, because misery loves company. Nothing was ever made better, no problem was ever solved by repeating over and over again how dire one’s circumstances are. Uncle Bubba shared an interesting perspective with me stating that these are the Dark Ages; adding that we have to realize where we are before we can map out where we want to go. He points to specific examples that I hadn’t recognized until he mentioned them. The best that the big three American auto makers can come up with for “innovative” design is to remake modern versions of classic muscle cars; the Ford Mustang, the Chevy Camaro, the Dodge Charger and Challenger. Of course we know they are preying on the aging baby-boomers whim for their youth; but if we look a little deeper, we see that they have proven that as innovators, this is the best that they can do. Come on, since the mid seventies we’ve known that these cars, any gasoline powered car would quickly become a dinosaur. This is the same generation that grew up watching The Jetsons. We are supposed to be riding around in hydrogen powered bubble jets by now.

This is but one example and in Bubbie’s view, here is the core issue. This Dark Age is exactly like the original period of cultural decline or societal collapse that took place in Western Europe between the fall of Rome and the eventual recovery of learning. The reason is that we have too much technologic information. Technology, especially computerized calculation of data has sped up time so that time is traveling faster than the human bio-rhythm of life so our best minds are working slower than even the potential of the current technology. It is going to take a renaissance in thinking to propel us to reach the potential that we all know exists. We cannot repeat the same old tired pattens and expect something new to come of it; that’s insanity. We need to stop resting on the laurels of smaller faster PCs and cells phones that do crazy, but useless things, and increase the quality of our lives across the board while saving money and the environment. We need to achieve the dreams of our dreams; where the light is.

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