Friday, November 27, 2009


Have you noticed all of the throwback jerseys in MBL and the NFL this year? Why do you think Major League Baseball and the National Football League desire to have their players wear those old style uniforms? A cynical person may presume that it is all about merchandising and money. But in Bubbie’s view it has more to do with a collective subconscious to go back to the days when men were men. Before a player was groomed from the womb by is mama to chase the money; men used to compete in sports for competition’s sake. It meant something to be declared the best. It meant something to be looked at as a tough guy by one’s peers.

How ‘bout we throwback to the days before PC? Before it was politically incorrect for calling a poor sport a jerk. Before it was wrong to call out a prima donna for being a spoiled wuss. Let’s throwback to the time when the coach told the players what to do instead of the reverse we have today. Let’s just not throwback to the NBA days when those overgrown lanky pituitary cases wore those shorty shorts.

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