Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day On The River

Uncle Bubba celebrated President's Day in fine fashion; he spent a few glorious hours drifting peacefully along the river. Strong breeze blew and and gusts pushed his small craft from bank to bank as he rudders it with his paddle. These placid moments are a welcome relief to the stresses he's had lately. Leaning back he watches a flock of ibis as they skitter across the beautiful blue sky, the sun flashing off of the white feathers.
The speed of the flock is rousing as they streak overhead in orchestrated figure eights and s-turns angling for the trees on the river's shore. Like clown acrobats with silly long noses and knobby twig legs they dance among the tree tops
only to jump back up into the air again; maybe it's the wind, or their nerves, or in Bubbie's view they may have just been havin' fun.

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