Thursday, May 05, 2011

Fall of the Wall, Fall of the World

Uncle Bubba was laid back in the lazy boy, he'd reared back and shifted it into low and was cruising the channels on his jumbo flatscreen. Have you noticed that there is some annoying lag in channel surfing, whether its due to the amount of bandwidth needed for HD or what; does anyone know? So as he's flipping through channels, it hangs for a moment on one that shows Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev shaking hands and then quickly cuts to a longhaired dude wildly whacking on the Berlin wall with a sledge hammer and Bubbie's thinks, "That was a big mistake!" And he's right. Ever since the fall of the Berlin wall and thusly Russia, our world has turned to stinking steaming mound of manure. Like it or not, the Cold War gave the world some structure with the two superpowers acting as bookends holding things together. Think about it; how quickly has the world's civilization declined since those heady days of faux freedom? Now our enemies are now sneaky, unseen, dirty sand dwellers with no geographical boundaries or civilized ethic. They don't fight and kill soldiers, they kill anyone anytime; civilians, woman and children. And the world economy has bottomed out sinking our ship and leveling us all to an elevated 3rd world status. Let's be honest, our policing of the world and multiple war strategy is nothing more than our fearful leaders' solution to job creation. What better way to employ our young adults? If we bring them home, there aren't any jobs here for them short of boarder patrol. In Bubbie's view, we should be careful of what we wish for; how many screw-ups have we perpetuated in the name of spreading democracy? Oh, and happy Cinco De Mayo gringo!

1 comment:

Michael said...

It's my belief, that every high level,political,muckity muck, likes to think he's doing stuff for the better good of(fill in the blank). Even with all the brainiac prognosticators availiable trying to see into the future, there are just too many unforseen events that can and will occur, to mire even the best intent. Ronnie and everybody else, thought he was doing a great thing.