Sunday, October 09, 2011

Thoughtful Kindness

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines thoughtful as "characterized by careful reasoned thinking" and "given to or chosen or made with heedful anticipation of the needs and wants of others". Kindness is defined as "the quality or state of being kind". So in Bubbie's view, thoughtfulness is kind, but not every kindness is thoughtful. Big deal? It is if you're interested in being a better person and a contributor to the betterment of humanity. To be thoughtful is to think outside of one's self. In the definition above, the key words are reasoned, heedful, and anticipation. There is effort to thoughtfulness. There does not have to be effort to kindness. Using learned habits such as using your manners are a kindness. You don't have to think about it, it's a habit. Any self centered person can practice kindness. Thoughtfulness takes consideration, planning. Now, some people are naturally thoughtful. It's no effort for them to be thoughtful, but their actions are no less carefully reasoned and heedful and should not be taken for granted. If anything they should be treated as an example for the kind, yet mostly thoughtless people.

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