It seems like we're living in the age where we know everything or at least too much, and Uncle Bubba is not so sure that he likes that. He doesn't want to know everything; like we know what's in hotdogs and we don't want to eat them anymore, or if we do it's just a little more difficult to enjoy them. Do we really have to know everything? Does it make things better? In the case of food, we are given all of the nutritional information right on the label and yet we're getting fatter; like the more we know the fatter we get. My grandparents each meat and potatoes cooked with lard, fried eggs and bacon, pies and cakes, three teaspoons of sugar in their coffee and lived long lives. They weren't fat. They also weren't aware that their diet was bad for them. It's seems that now we know what we eat will make us fat so our brains go, "OK, I guess I'll be fat!" It's like when Wile E. Coyote runs off of a cliff and he's doing fine until the roadrunner points out that he's not on the ground anymore.
You here it all the time; if your this age you should feel like this, if your that age you should feel like that. OK, back in the day they were also moving. They weren't parked in front of a TV or a computer screen. They gardened, they went hunting and fishing, they didn't have power steering and automatic transmissions in their vehicles so a trip wasn't like riding in a plush recliner like we have today. In Bubbie's view, not all progress is good for us. Yeah the world changes and we either keep up or get left behind, but as Bubbie's mama used to say, "If your friends jumped off of a cliff, would you jump off too?" Bubbie knows enough to keep things in balance. He knows everything in life is better in moderation.
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