This comes with a tale of caution as described by Uncle Bubba in a recent conversation. He told me of a time when someone that he respected, a family member that was older than him had often subtly put him down. It always made Bubbie feel bad and he just didn't get it but over time those put downs effected him and he became to believe that he had some shortcomings and character flaws that doomed him to sub-mediocrity. Later in life he discovered that what the family member said was untrue, it was their perception of things based on their jealousy and envious outlook. But it did a lot of damage to Bubbie and it took him years to recover from it.
"These things can work for the good as well as the bad" Bubbie recounts. "You can be glad or you can get mad. You can speak good things over yourself or damn yourself. And it works the same for others, you're either building someone up or tearing them down... it's your choice." Uncle Bubba went on to impart more of his homespun wisdom on me, "Sometimes we'll be just a-chuggin' along in life and everything is fine and then we hear someone say something that's outlandish and it sticks with us like burdock on a wool sock. It could be real or the biggest, fattest lie y'all ever heard; I mean a whopper. It hits ya hard and it leaves a scar. And if ya ain't careful and start to repeat it, it gets down inside of you and becomes your truth. Why I just heard a silly one the other day, a feller said that he doesn't want stainless steel appliances in his house by a lake because the moisture will make them rust over time. Well, that just ain't right and I wonder where he heard such a thing. I reckon that someone told him that once and he believed it even though we all know it ain't true. That's a good example of what I'm a-talkin' about. Now what if it was a lie about you or me? What if someone said a thing about you that was a whopper and people believed it? Why that's worse than anything because I can always admit a truth and redeem myself from it if I choose, but a lie is slander of which there's no defense because it never existed."
It gave me a lot to think about after our visit. I was getting hungry so I went to Miss Ellie's Red Robbin dinner in the town square and ordered the lunch special. I looked out the window as I waited on my food but my mind was mulling over my conversation with Uncle Bubba. He made a lot of sense and I was sorry that more folks can't gain some insight from Bubbie. Then, slowly, the sounds of conversations started to fill my ears and I could hear some folks at nearby tables spreading gossip and complaining about others and I thought, which came first, the complainer or the complaint? Who cares, they both exist. In Bubbie's view, be careful what you think and what you say because that's what will you'll manifest in your life.
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