Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Gub'ment Budget

Gub'ment Budget, HA! What a joke. A $1.3 trillion spending package. What they can't spend money on. (Money they ain't got!) Uncle Bubba believes he has a voice in the United States government. He is an active citizen and is not beyond writing his congressmen, congresswomen, and Senators in regard to issues that cause him concern. Emailing an elected official opts y'all in to receive their pandering newsletters. Uncle Bubba just received one from Senator Bill Nelson. He was proud to tell his constituency that he secured federal funding; something to be proud of?

Uncle Bubba read the newsletter out loud to Sweet Pea and then they paused and looked at one another. After a minute Bubbie said to Sweet Pea, "Darlin', I don't reckon that one thing on that list concerns us." He read through the list again, pausing after each title and say,"Nope, don't concern us..." In Bubbie's view, Senator Nelson is sure 'nough proud of spending taxpayers money, just wished he'd asked us all first.

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