Saturday, August 18, 2018

For The Record

Uncle Bubba wants to go on the record in this political climate. "Remember that my life is but breath, and though my voice may go out and press against the wind my love of God's creation, humanity, compels me to speak." Admittedly, we have a president that has lived his life in the public eye because he's a rich dude and during the 70s and 80s, fame was misogynistic, coke snortin' revelry. No excuses, no defense, just sayin' that Presidents Trump's skeletons are not hiding in any closets. Then why are we wasting so much time and money trying to find in the dark what stands in the light? Now think about this... why can't the swamp be drained? Because Congress can't sacrifice a single one of their own to appease us, their constituents, because the rats will start squealing and they know where all the bodies are buried. So they keep rattling the bones of Trump to keep the spotlight off of their own frightening skeletons.

Secondly, do y'all really think that any congressmen or senator is anything more than a paid actor? They don't care about what they grandstand on, they are paid to be a mouthpiece. Do you think that at the end of the day when they lay their head on their pillow that they are stressed about immigration, tax reform, your healthcare and exorbitant associated costs, and etc? Uncle Bubba reckons that they only think about how to say what they're paid to say versus the content of their own heart.

One more thing, speaking of paid actors, all of these "news" anchors and political pundits are nothing more than paid spokesmen and spokeswomen, performers who have sold out for their own fame and fortune. Sure, they speak passionately for their side of the argument but come on... think about it. Without the TV camera and money, what would they really care about?

Cynical? Damn straight. That's because Bubbie has common sense--a brain. He uses his mind in the understanding that there is more than one side to any story. In Bubbie's view, whether it be Congress and the Federal government as a whole or the media, they cannot talk of being truthful, unbiased, or non-partisan because as observed by C. S. Lewis from the essay, “The Poison of Subjectivism", ”Unless the measuring rod is independent of the things measured, we can do no measuring."  We'd better see things for what they truly are and get actively rooting out the muck and find that drain for the swamp.

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