Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Un-Patriot Act of Communism

It's a sad day as Uncle Bubba stares angrily at the cracked TV screen with a marginal sense of satisfaction from smashing is coffee cup against the pundit's face.

How could this be happening? Why would the country allow such a communistic and dangerous act be passed into law so quietly, like a thief slipping into our dark and sleepy bedrooms at night?

Because in Bush's America we can do what we want, when we want, how we want, with no regard for our neighbors because the government is protecting us. Yep, that's right, we don't have to concern ourselves with anything but putting gas in our pick-up trucks and one-upping everyone in our way as long as the straight shootin' George W. and his righteous posse are looking out for all them bad people out to ruin our good time. Well why should we look out for our friends and neighbors when the government is doing it for us? Besides, we're too busy to be bothered with such things. I gotta work extra hours to pay for my big house and property, my big truck--did I mention that all ready?--my big boat, my wife's big shopping habit.

Didn't you write to your Congressmen or Senators like I did? Then shame on you! The following is a copy of my letter: "First I would like to thank you for your service to this great country of ours. My concerns are about the Patriot Act. I believe this legislation is nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction to the horrible attack on our country; however I do not believe it is the best for our country. It infringes on our constitutional rights and few freedoms that we have left. I, as a proud citizen of the United States of America, choose freedom over security. I have faith in our armed forces for protection and implore you to remove this communistic act."

I recently heard a W. Disciple say that the sooner we all accept that the Patriot Act is good for us and to stop complaining that it infringes our personal rights, the better off we'll be. I could hardly believe my ears! So we are to choose to dummy down and not think for ourselves for our own good?! Act like sheep and do as we're ordered without question?! This is what our founding fathers had in mind? Well we all know what sheep get when no one is looking... No thanks! If you want to volunteer to live in a Communist country under George W. (Want to be like Stalin) Bush, don't expect me to join in, it's my right not to.

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