Uncle Bubba begrudgingly clicks off the news on the TV, turns his back on the black box and flips the remote onto the couch cushions feeling annoyed and inspired.
Recently, some cities have moved towards banning all registered sex offenders form living within their city limits. Though I understand the premise behind their thinking, there is still this annoying sentiment that gnaws at the underbelly of our society; if we segregate those people whom we dislike, then our world will be a better place. You know that the proponents for this movement are politically motivated with no regard for future social implications. Their sheep will graze in the safety and security of knowing that all the wolves have been removed from the meadows. But we all know that’s not true; there are always some hiding in the bushes and moving in undetected every day. Removing problems that we can identify and track does nothing to protect us from the unknown. It is merely a political band-aid to cover the cancerous tumor looming under the surface.
In my opinion, I say shame on those whose job it is to constitute the monitoring of these offenders. Our police force has become a peace mitigation format; more geared for watching traffic than watching criminals. Maybe it’s always been this way, but perhaps two hundred and twenty nine years of practice have refined the art of deception by our political leaders. We are told we need to be protected from all the bad in the world by giving away our rights because we don’t know what is best for us. My fellow citizens have been willing lulled into accepting parental authority from our government--whom by the way is supposed to be working for us, not controlling us—like spoiled children grabbing possessions at the bane of all existence. Do we really want to go down this road? Can we keep sweeping things under the rug and expect them never to return? Can’t we come up with better solutions to our social challenges? What do you think?
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