Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kissin' Cousins

As we’ve recently seen, The Texas Supreme Court has decided that the Texas authorities had no right to remove dozens of children from their parents who are among the citizens of the polygamist Yearning for Zion Ranch. It seems that folks don’t approve of the lifestyle of them bland old, plain dress wearin’, long haired, no makeup wearin’ white polygamist ladies and their paunchy old baldheaded husbands. Among other concerns, the child protection agency was worried that some underage girls were compelled to marry older men in the sect.

Well y’all, the court system came to a reasonable conclusion with out a bunch of hubbub. In Bubbie’s view, this is they way our justice system is supposed to work. One branch of government acted errantly and another branch swung the balance back to center.

Bubbie says he finds it ironic that the authorities felt compelled to rush in there and remove the children, saving them from their “degenerate” parents while in other common American communities, it’s normal for folks to have multiple babies with multiple partners and it’s not uncommon for 13 and 14 year old girls to have babies and no one is rushing is there to save the day. Maybe because if they did there would be waves of flamboyant preachers and such screaming into TV cameras that these poor, underprivileged, sorry folks are being discriminated against. FOX News and CNN would have 24 hours of talking heads debating their brand of sound bite righteousness till we are all so sick of it we don’t care about common sense or the welfare of the children; and the government will be handin' out checks, food stamps, and a blocks of government cheese. Fortunately our forefathers set up a system that tries to keep things in balance.

On this Memorial Day, let’s remember that many a young life was given to keep our system moving forward, as flawed as it may be. People should be free to live the way they see fit, without harm to others, in a free society.

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