Sunday, April 10, 2011

Eugene Nix

Mama always said, "Stupid is as stupid does." Uncle Bubba was driving along on the 4 lane when a big 4 wheel drive pickup truck passed him in the left lane. Hanging from the trailer hitch was set of chrome testicles. What a choice of ornament. Sweet Pea commented that he had to hang them there because his wife has his in his purse. Hmmm, she may be onto something...

But the bigger question is how do you explain to someone that thinks that is acceptable that its offensive? If they think no more than to blatantly display something that our society has discerned as inappropriate, then how low must their line be for appropriateness? They could not be stupid enough to not think that children will see their chrome testicles. That is obviously acceptable to them. And let's be honest, testicle man is most likely someone's daddy. Except for having to having to tolerate a conversation with such a person, Uncle Bubba would like to know what offends a person like that?

Similarly, Uncle Bubba knows a feller named Eugene Nix that thinks the unions are ruining America. Instead of being angry at the rich corporate CEO's and corrupt government officials that turn a blind eye to ethical deviousness, he thinks we should make laws against unions and all fend for ourselves. Why wouldn't Eugene support the ideals of improved working conditions and better wages? Why would Eugene be in favor of the regression of America, setting it back a hundred years in lieu of creating a better society? Perhaps he doesn't know that we've given all of our middle class jobs, like manufacturing, to other countries. There's not enough work for Americans to do anymore. Even the construction jobs in our own country have gone to the illegals, if you doubt it just walk by any job site. Uncle Bubba would like to know how Eugene can accept the rich getting richer at the expense of America? Maybe its in his name, Eugene, meaning hereditarily endowed with noble qualities. In Bubbie's view, if that were true then Eugene would be fighting mad to give everyone, especially his own children the opportunity to have a nice piece of the American dream.

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