Sunday, April 17, 2011

How's Your Constitution?

Uncle Bubba's physical state with regard to vitality, health, and strength is better than most. He's a man's man. He's a throwback to the type of American that prided one's self on conduct based on ethics, loyalty, and service to others. He is a man of strong constitution. That's why he was knocked to his knees when he happened to be handed a tiny paper booklet titled U.S. Constitution. It had been many years, the school years of his youth since he had actually read the U.S. Constitution. He, as probably most Americans, know what the ideals of the Constitution are; however cannot recite specifics or relate it to our present government. Who knows, perhaps most people don't realize that it was written to put limitations on the powers of the Federal government. But here's a reminder, and when you hear it you'll say, "Of course, I knew that." The men that created it were imbued with the protection of each states' ability to govern independently. Their biggest fear and concern was creating a monster, a tyrannical empire.

Today we suffering our own laziness in our involvement in government. Oh sure, we bitch, but that's the extent of the energy we expend. Even the Tea Baggers, though they hold rallies, do nothing more than rail. If you look at a typical Tea Party rally it would be laughable if it weren't so sad. Hundreds of old farts wearing their patriotic swag yelling into the camera about how much they hate, yes HATE, President Obama and the Federal Government. OK, it's their right under the First Amendment. But the picture paints a hundred thousand words; angry, old, out of touch, bitchers. Of all the complaining about the shape that the countries in, does anyone offer a viable solution? Everyone complains, but who ever offers a redress, a resolution to the grievances? Our politicians give us the same old smoke and mirrors rhetoric. That is lying, not leadership. In Bubbie's view, we'll never get anything accomplished by wishing to move backward to better times, the good old days. He has been steady in his values so he does not have to go back to a better way, he lives his best everyday; his conduct are habits based on ethics, loyalty, and service to others.

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