Uncle Bubba has noticed a bushel barrel full of new trends in our society and he'd thought he'd share a few just to get y'all's take on it. For instance, we're getting lazier. Not in the "cant get up and move" way, that's obvious; but the "I don't care" way. Several times this week, Bubbie has gone to a store or some public place and parked ol' Blackie in a big ol' parking lot. Then walking, had to stop suddenly on the edge of a curb so as not to get run down by vehicles rapidly approaching with no apparent regard for pedestrians. He's had people walk in a door just ahead of him and let the door swing shut almost hitting him in the face. He's held the door for folks and had them walk out, look him in the eye and not say a word; not a thank you... nothing. Bubbie sees too many people spit on the sidewalk, throw trash out their car windows, cuss in front of children, carry on loud cell phone conversations in restrooms, restaurants and stores, and just generally showing out in public dressed inappropriately with poor hygiene. It seems that we've lost any sense of decorum or manners. Then when it does show up it seems misplaced. With social media there seems to be a never ending succession of public apologies from comedians, or actors, or even the average Joe. Comedians tell jokes that are often offensive. Is that anything new? Being able to laugh at off color topics is a way for many of us to release stress and tension. So you're offended and for whatever reason you feel the need to post that on Facebook. Bubbie reckons that it's to show everyone your moral fortitude. OK, it's your right to post it just as it's the comedians right to tell jokes. But what's wrong with these jokers quickly offering the now obligatory apology as they step off of the stage? We say what we say and it's our right to say it. Of course you're going to offend someone; that's their problem. Stop kowtowing to these narcissistic moralists. Tell your joke and move on. Go get busy writing some new material because it takes the funny out of it when you apologize.
Bubbie isn't the least bit interested in being on Facebook or Tweeting on Twitter. But he's heard many a tale of someone writing something on the inner-tubes that gets the family riled. Here's the thing; people say stupid stuff all the time. We all step in it every once in a while. Why even Bubbie knows that feeling of hearing the words coming out of his mouth and simultaneously wanting to pull them back in. It might get you a rebuke or a dirty look. But when you write it, it's worse. First of all, the average Dick and Jane ain't professional writers so crafting a statement or paragraph to express their thoughts or feelings is like committing verbal hara-kari. And then the readers interpret the writing with their own perception. You might write witty sarcasm but they read that you're viciously stupid. So what's the result? Consequences. Responsible adults know what consequences are; children, irresponsible adults, and morons don't. But just like avoiding VD, abstinence and manners would serve society just all that much better. We're all bitchin' about the world we're living in but look around and see who's doing something about changing it. In Bubbie's view we keep hearing the same theme repeated over and over throughout his tales, consider the thoughts and actions of someone other than yourself. That's because he cares about the world and everyone in it, even if he is just a simple country boy.
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