Sunday, December 30, 2012

Killer Storms

Killer Storms

Uncle Bubba cut off his cable subscription this past year as a conscious decision to depart from the propaganda. He wasn't sure that Sweet Pea would be pleased but he was as much concerned for her well-being as his. As it turns out, she is fine with it and has come to realize the benefits of it in that she has focused her attention on other things that she enjoys much more like crafting and listening to music. So Bubbie was unaware that they're now naming winter storms as they do with hurricanes. No sir, he had no idea that this was going on until he drove his son, Bubbie Jr. to the airport the day after Christmas. They were sitting in an airport restaurant eating lunch and a TV behind the bar was projecting the weather channel. Of course, when one is traveling the weather is a concern so it seemed appropriate to be airing the weather channel. But that's when Bubbie Jr. mentioned that he was glad that he missed Euclid. "Huh?" Bubbie thought, "What is that, some Jewish holiday celebration?"

"Yeah." Bubbie agreed, "Hey, it looks like another storm is coming across the state of Washington. The north could get another round of winter weather later this week."

"Yeah, it's Freyr." Bubbie Jr. replied.


"They're naming winter storms now Daddy. And they're using some pretty strange names."

Uncle Bubba recognized that this is yet another ploy of the crappy 24 hour TV media that needs something to talk about. They invent things to worry about to try and bait people into staying tuned into them, which by the way, gives Bubbie another reason to be glad that he canceled my cable subscription. Once you know the weather report for the day do you really need to watch all day long? He's noticed that every storm is now a killer, that they can find at least one person that died. OK, remember when we were kids? It snowed, we shoveled, we played in it, no big deal. Then it would melt a little and then another snow storm would come for a day and repeat of above... Was anyone panicked? Did anyone die? Hell yes, someone always dies! We're freakin human and that's part of the deal!!! Some dumb ass kid will crash his car, or an old fart will have a heart attack while shoveling. Duh! But in Bubbie's view, we all bitch about how the news only reports the bad stuff; well how much news worthy bad stuff is there really because they repeat the same stories over and over for weeks. And they have to make up names of killer storms to scare people into staying tuned in.

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